How do I know this is the career path I’m suppose to follow?

Teenagers knowing what they want to do for the rest of their life by the end of high school blows my mind. I myself being a teenager as well, am still conflicted. Of course I have narrowed it down but how could I? College has way more classes to choose from. Half the classes I could take in college, I’ve never even heard of! I never understood how teachers kept pushing us to choose a career path by taking all of these test online, for example, .To me, I feel as if many kids going into college knowing what they want to do, are only choosing the simple careers that they know about. How could they possibly know if they want to be an astrologist or anthropologist if they’ve never taken the classes to learn about them? Yes they could look at all the majors and read about them, but you’ll never truly know unless you take the leap and experience it first hand. I’m taking a class next semester in college called “The Art of Being Human” The class it self sounds extremely boring, but hey I might find something intriguing about it after the class has started. College is all about experience. Yes classes and college cost loads of money, but it’s still great to take a risk. You might find a new passion. Heck, you might even believe you made a mistake taking the class, but at least you tried it. Life isn’t worth living if you’re not taking risk and experience everything life has to offer. If it were me, I’d regret not taking the class or even studying abroad. So don’t get into college with a narrow mind saying “I’m going to do this for the rest of my life” because as soon as school starts, your mind might change.